Membership & Rates
Memberships, Green Fees & Amenities
Membership Information
Tax Included in TotalNew family and single members first year membership will be discounted by $100. (Please add a $25 stock fee for new family and single memberships.)
Dual membership with other courses (excluding Six Mile Creek in White) is $276 for Family and $195 for Single.
Full payment must be postmarked by April 1st to be eligible for the free membership drawings.
All dues, fees and memberships must be paid by May 1st. To be fair to all members, please hold off play after this date if your fees have not been paid to the club.
Please send your check to:
Hendricks Golf Club
Attn: Treasurer
PO Box 31
Hendricks, MN 56136
Green Fees
If you have a gas cart in an electric stall, you pay the electric cart stall rate. Additionally, we currently have a waiting list
for our golf cart shed. You MUST be a current member at HGC to have a golf cart stall, if you are not a current member, you will be
asked to vacate your stall.
Fees shown above include tax.
Visa and MasterCard accepted